The month of May seems more like the “end of the year” than December. In May comes the last day of school. Our “Sunday School year” also ends, and in June we go into “summer mode” as families travel for vacation and as children attend camps. For the past nine months, we have been blessed to have many adults be an integral part of making Sunday mornings “happen” in the Children’s Wing of Christ Church. These individuals have spent much time and effort in planning and preparing Sunday School lessons for the children, and have devoted their Sunday mornings to teaching about God and His Word. We say “Thank You!” to Morgan Cressman, Angie Lisenby, Julie Schneider, and Judy Wood for planting and watering the seeds of faith in the youngest of our congregation.

Three members of our congregation comprise a “guitar trio” and come early on Sunday mornings to lead the children in singing for 15 – 20 minutes prior to instruction time. We say “Thank You!” to Meredith Fletcher, Blair Lisenby, and Skip Saunders for helping us start off Sunday mornings with songs of praise to God, and for teaching spiritual truths to the children through music.

Wednesday afternoons during the school year have also been special times of learning about God and His Word at E. Rivers Elementary School in Good News Club. Bible lessons, memory verses, songs, games, and mission stories have all been part of the fun. We say “Thank You!” to all the GNC team members: Peter Buck, Carleton Fuller, Betty Jarrell, Austin Mayfield, Nancy Perry, Mary Pierson, Stephanie Poje, Jan Robinson, Chrissie Wayt, James Wayt, and Karen Wedge. Our behind-the-scenes supporters are Anita Shippen (who graciously hosts our team fellowship lunches/planning meetings) and Camille Davis (our prayer support). We are looking forward to our fifth year of Good News Club at E. Rivers in the fall. We will be switching our club meeting day to Tuesdays. More team members are needed and wanted, so please consider joining us!

On May 9th, we had a year-end cookout for our ten Good News Club “graduates”—5th graders who will be moving on to middle school. We say “Farewell” to them. We will miss their presence and leadership in our club next year, but we know that God has great things in store for them, and that they will make a difference in their schools and communities.

We pray for all of these children—at Christ Church of Atlanta and at E. Rivers Elementary School—to continue to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 2:18)

We thank all the adults who have allowed God to use them this past school year to communicate His message of love and truth to these children.

A final thank you and a final farewell goes to a dear sister in Christ who faithfully and tirelessly served the Christ Church congregation for many years—Anne Carter. Anne was an enthusiastic and experienced teacher, teaching preschoolers for more than 40 years! She loved teaching children about Jesus and she lavished her attention and love on them every Sunday morning. I could always depend on her to be willing and prepared to teach. Three of the children (Divine Anyanwoke, Matthew Robinson and James Wayt–who are now in high school and college!) interviewed Anne eight years ago. Here is a poignant Q & A from that interview, which captures Anne’s spirit of love for the children, obedience to the Lord, and service to her church family:

Q: Why did you volunteer to become a teacher here at church?
A: Because I love children and because I want to obey God when He tells me to teach. Every year when they would ask for teachers, I would pray about it and God would say, “Teach!” He would tell me in my heart that I needed to be part of it. And you can do anything one day a week. I really pray that in heaven I’ll take care of the children. I don’t know what we’ll do, but that’s what I’d like to do.

Well, Anne now knows what they do in heaven, and I’m sure she is playing an active part, surrounded by children! A final thanks to Anne for all the seeds of faith she planted and watered in the hearts and minds of the children of Christ Church! And a final farewell to Anne who lovingly and cheerfully served the Christ Church family with joy!

“Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them;
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
And He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying His hands on them.
Mark 10:14, 16

– Jan Robinson, Director of Children’s Ministries